Photo: Film still from Workers! made by Petra Bauer & SCOT-PEP, 2018. Photograph Caroline Bridges.

Get involved

Scot-Pep has no core funding, and we’re incredibly grateful for the donations that we get. Our suggested donation starts at £5 a year, but we welcome larger donations if you are able to give more. The money that our supporters donate is spent on things like travel expenses for sex workers, childcare, and paying our phone bill: the basics, to ensure that sex workers aren’t out of pocket when attending Scot-Pep meetings, and to make sure people can get in touch with us. To set up a donation, please use the DonorBox button below.

How else can I get involved?

To keep up-to-date with Scot-Pep’s work, which your generous donations help fund, please sign up to the Scot-Pep newsletterThis is sent out every six months. This contains action alerts and invitations to events, which we would love to see you at!
We have a Campaign Group which meets monthly and drives our campaigning and advocacy. If you are interested in joining the Campaign Group email us at We particularly welcome current and former sex workers.

Will someone be in contact with me?

Once you make a donation, you’ll be sent a letter confirming it has been received. A reminder will be sent out approximately eleven months from your sign up, to see if you would like to continue your donation into the next year. 

How can I pay?

Payment can be made directly into our bank account, by cheque or postal order made payable to Scot-Pep, or via DonorBox. Please call us on +44(0)7984960378 if you need assistance.
If you are a UK tax payer and you check the Gift Aid box on the form we will also be able to reclaim the tax on your donation at no additional cost to you. Your tax will help fund the work of Scot-Pep.